Terms and Conditions

J'affirme comprendre que certains risques sont courants aux activités qui ont lieu dans un centre de conditionnement physique. Je suis conscient(e) et assume la responsabilité pour toute blessure ou dommage que je pourrais subir ou causer. Je comprends que Physical Park ne sera pas tenu responsable de toute propriété perdue ou volée. J'affirme être physiquement capable de participer aux activités du club et j'assume pleine responsabilité pour toute blessure encourue.
I affirm and understand that there are inherent risks involved in all health club activities, and I am aware of and appreciate these risks and assume full responsibility for any and all injuries or damages which may occur. I understand that Physical Park will not be held accountable for lost or stolen property and I am deemed physically able to participate in the activities chosen within the club and assume full responsibility for any injuries.are inherent risks involved in all health club activities, and I am aware of and appreciate these risks and assume full responsibility for any and all injuries or damages which may occur. I understand that Physical Park will not be held accountablefor lost or stolen property and I am deemed physically able to participate in the activities chosen within the club and assume full
responsibility for any injuries.