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Jacquie B.
Get to know: JACQUIE

What inspires you? 
As far a day to day life, my family is my number one inspiration. As far as teaching, people that get out of bed and make the commitment to be active.

If you were asked to contribute to 'The Book of Fitness Secrets', what would be your one secret? 

Get rid of "I can't"

What would be the name of your autobiography?

Knock it off

Which 3 songs would you listen to for the rest of your life?

Anything by Dave Matthews Band, can't narrow it down to one song

I'm on my way - Phil Collins

Every little thing she does is magic- The Police

What is one thing most people don't know about you?

I only wear one contact lens in my right eye

Guilty pleasure?

Reese's peanut butter cups and Ladies of London


Keiser Indoor Cycling

